Q & A
Trying something new can come with questions and we're happy to answer them! We want to be a part of your beauty journey for years to come. We'll help you with the most common questions, but just remember, all you have to do is ask! We're here to assist you throughout the entire process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1
Q: What’s the difference between Botox & Dysport?
A: Dysport is proven to kick in faster & last longer, typically 3-5 months!
Question 2
Q: What is microneedling?
A: A procedure that stimulates natural collagen production, improves pore size, decreases fine lines & wrinkles, & diminishes acne scaring.
Question 3
Q: What is a dermal filler, how long does it last, and how many syringes will I need?
A: An FDA approved Hyaluronic Acid (a sugar naturally found in the body) that adds volume to an area such as lips, cheeks, tear troughs, chin, & jawline that typically lasts 9-13 months! One syringe for lips but cheeks and jawline may require two or more.
Question 4
Q: How long should I wait to touch my face after Botox/Dysport?
A: Do not touch/rub face for four hours, avoid massage/facial, avoid sauna/hot tub, avoid working out/sweating, don’t lie down for four hours.
Question 5
Q: What is the initial consult?
A: Safety is our primary concern. Indiana law requires approval by a MD or NP prior to receiving any injections. Health history, allergies, medical issues, and current medications determine eligibility.
Question 6
Q: What skincare products do you recommend?
A: We personally love Neora products and SkinBetter Science.
Question 7
Q: Does it hurt?
A: We use a topical numbing cream prior to microneedling and lip filler. We try to make the experience as comfortable as possible.
Question 8
Q: Who can I bring with me to my appointment?
A: Friends are welcome! However, we do not recommend bringing small children along. Safety is our number one priority!
Question 9
Q: How can I prevent bruising?
A: Avoid taking blood thinners, consuming alcohol, coffee, caffeine, and fish oil prior to your appointment. We do recommend Arnica Montana. (A homeopathic gel or tablet available at most pharmacy’s). We also recommend eating fresh pineapple; it contains an enzyme called bromelain that helps with bruising & inflammation.
Question 10
Q: What should I do prior to my appointment?
A: We recommend removing all makeup for you appointment.
Question 8
Q: When will my Botox/Dysport kick in?
A: Typically it takes two weeks for full effect!
Question 8
Q: Will I need a touch up?
A: Possibly after two weeks for Botox/Dysport.
Question 13
Q: What is Lipodissolve?
A: Lipodissolve or mesotherapy involves a series of injections of medications that are purported to melt away localized fat deposits. The drugs most regularly used are phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate (commonly called PC and DC).
Question 14
Q: What is Sculptra?
A: Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable that helps gradually replace lost collagen—the most common protein in the body that is used to form a framework to support cells and tissue—for results that can last up to five years.
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